Sometimes a programmer may need to perform some types of operations on strings like "compare two strings, find or replace a particular character/word in
a string, add two strings, extract a part of a given string" etc. Considering these needs in mind java designer has given number of methods in
class which you can use in your program to perform such type of operations on strings.
To understand the String
class methods better, let's first understand how a string value in java is stored in memory.
String in java is an array of characters, so string values in java is stored as an array of characters where each characters have an index number. Some of the
class methods uses these indexes to perform the operations on string. The image below shows how a string value "refresh java"
will be stored as an array of characters in string pool memory.

As you can see each characters have been given an index number and you can access the character at a given index using charAt()
method of String
which returns the character at given index. The length of a string is the total number of characters in string. To understand the String
class methods better let's consider we have three string variables s1, s2
and s3
as given below.
String s1 ="refresh java"
; String s2 ="Hello World"
; String s3 ="learn java on refresh java tutorial"
How can I call the method of String class in my program ?
To access any method of String
class you just have to use dot(.
) operator with string variable or string literal, for example s1.length(),
), s1.chartAt(8)
Table below shows the list of methods which are used often with string. You can refer oracle documentation of String
class to get the detail of all methods.
Name | Description | Example |
int length() |
It returns the length of string. The length is equal to the total number of characters in string. | int length = s1.length(); //length = 12 |
boolean equals(Object anObject) |
Used to compare two strings. It returns true if both string represents same sequence of characters else
false . |
s1.equals(s2); s1.equals( "refresh java" ); // returns . |
boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) |
Used to compare two strings, ignoring the case(upper or lower case). It returns true if both the string are of
same length and represents same sequence of character ignoring the case else returns false . |
s1.equalsIgnoreCase("Refresh JAVA" ); // returns |
boolean startsWith(String prefix) |
checks if a string starts with the string represented by prefix . |
s1.startsWith("refresh" ); // returns .s1.startsWith( "Refresh" ); // returns |
int indexOf(String str) |
Used to search if a substring(represented by str ) exist in the given string. Returns the index of first occurrence of substring in the given string
if found else returns -1. |
s1.indexOf("java" ); // returns 8 s1.indexOf( "hello" ); // returns -1 |
int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) |
Used to search if substring(represented by str ) exist in the given string, but it starts searching from the index given by fromIndex.
It returns starting index of that substring if found else returns -1. |
s3.indexOf("java" , 10); // returns 22 s3.indexOf( "easy" , 25); // returns -1 |
int lastIndexOf(String str) |
Used to search the last occurrence of substring(represented by str ) in the given string. It returns the index of last occurrence of substring if found else
returns as -1. |
s3.lastIndexOf("java" ); // returns 22 |
char charAt(int index) |
Returns the character at specified index in given string. |
char charVar = s1.charAt(8);// charVar = 'j' |
String substring(int fromIndex) |
Returns a string that is a substring of the given string. The substring starts with the character at fromIndex position and
extends to the end of given string. |
String str = s1.substring(8); // str = "java", s1 will still be String str2 = s3.substring(27); // str2 = "tutorial", s3 will still be same. |
String substring(int fromIndex, int endIndex) |
Returns a string that is a substring of the given string. The substring starts with the character at fromIndex position and
extends to the (endIndex-1) |
String str = s1.substring(0,7); // Return characters from 0 to 6 String str2 = s3.substring(14,26); // str2 = "refresh java" |
String toLowerCase() | Converts all the characters of given string to lower case and returns that string. | String str = s2.toLowerCase(); // str = "hello world" |
String toUpperCase() | Converts all the characters of given string to upper case and returns that string. | String str = s1.toUpperCase(); // str = "REFRESH JAVA", |
String trim() | Used to remove whitespace( ) at the beginning and end (not in between) of a given string. Returns a string without any whitespace in end and beginning. | String str = " hello world " .trim(); // str = "hello world" |
String concat(String str) | Concatenates(adds) the string represented by str to the end of given string |
String strVar = s1.concat(" tutorial" ); // strVar = "refresh java tutorial", |
char [] toCharArray() |
Converts the given string to a new character array and returns that char array. | char [] charArray = s1.toCharArray(); // charArray will contain an array of
String replace(char oldChar, char newChar) |
Returns a string resulting from replacing all occurrences of character represented by oldChar with character represented by newChar
in the given string. |
String str = s1.replace('r' , 'h' ); // str = "hefhesh java",
String replaceFirst(String regexe, String replacement) | Used to replace first occurrence of string represented by regexe with string represented by replacement in given string. regexe
can be a regular expression as well. |
String str = s3.replaceFirst("java" ,"program" ); // str = "learn program on
refresh java tutorial" |
String replaceAll(String regexe, String replacement) | Used to replace all occurrence of string represented by regexe with string represented by replacement in given string,
regexe can be a regular expression as well. |
String str = s3.replaceAll("java" ,"program" ); // str = "learn program on
refresh |
String[] split(String regexe) | Used to split a given string on the basis of regexe . It returns a string array. |
String[] str = s3.split(" " ); // str will contains strings "learn" |
String class methods program in Java
StringClassMethods {public static void
main(String [] args) { String s1 ="refresh java";
String s2 ="Hello World";
String s3 ="learn java on refresh java tutorial";
String str;// Getting the length of a string
System.out.println("length of string s1 = "
+s1.length());// Comparing two strings
System.out.println(s1.equals("refresh java"
)); System.out.println("is s1 equals s2 = "
+s1.equals(s2));// Checking if a string starts with a given substring
System.out.println("is s1 starts with word refresh = "
));// Searching a substring in a string
System.out.println("index of word java in s3 = "
)); System.out.println("index of word hello in s3 = "
));// Getting the character at given index in a string
System.out.println("character at index 8 in string s1 = "
+s1.charAt(8));// Extracting a substring from a given string
str = s1.substring(8); System.out.println("Substring str = "
+str);// After extracting a substring, value of s1 will still remain same.
System.out.println("Value of s1 = "
+s1);// Converting a given string to lower case.
str = s2.toLowerCase(); System.out.println("Lower case str = "
+str);// Concatenating a string to given string.
str = s1.concat(" tutorial"
); System.out.println("Concatenated str = "
+str);// Concatenating a string to given string using + operator.
str = str +" online"
; System.out.println("+ operated value of str = "
+str);// Replacing a word in a given string.
str = s3.replaceFirst("java"
); System.out.println("Replaced value str = "
+str);// Splitting a given string using space( ).
String[] strArray = s3.split(" "
(String strVar : strArray) System.out.print(strVar+", "
); } }
length of string s1 = 12
is s1 equals s2 = false
is s1 starts with word refresh = true
index of word java in s3 = 6
index of word hello in s3 = -1
character at index 8 in string s1 = j
Substring str = java
Value of s1 = refresh java
Lower case str = hello world
Concatenated str = refresh java tutorial
+ operated value of str = refresh java tutorial online
Replaced value str = learn program on refresh java tutorial
learn, java, on, refresh, java, tutorial,
Difference between equals() and == in Java
Both equals() method and == operator can be used to compare string variables or string literals in java but there is a difference between both.
equals() method compares the content(the sequence of characters) of string variables or string literals. It returns true
if both the content
are same else returns false
while == operator compares the references(address) of string variables or string literals. It returns true
if both the variables or literals
points to same reference else returns false
If the comparison of two strings using == operator returns true
then equals() method for same comparison will definitely return
while vice-versa may or may not return true
. The program given below shows the difference of equals() method
and == operator.
StringComparison {public static void
main(String [] args) { String str ="refresh java"
; String str2 = new String("refresh java"
); String str3 ="refresh java"
; String str4 = new String("refresh java"
); String str5 = str2; System.out.println("Comparison using equals() method .........."
); System.out.println("str equals() str2 >> "
+str.equals(str2)); System.out.println("str equals() str5 >> "
+str.equals(str5)); System.out.println("str2 equals() str4 >> "
+str2.equals(str4)); System.out.println("str2 equals() str5 >> "
+str2.equals(str5)); System.out.println("Comparison using == operator .........."
); System.out.println("str == str2 >> "
+(str == str2)); System.out.println("str == str3 >> "
+(str == str3)); System.out.println("str2 == str4 >> "
+(str2 == str4)); System.out.println("str2 == str5 >> "
+(str2 == str5)); System.out.println("str4 == str5 >> "
+(str4 == str5)); } }
Comparison using equals() method ..........
str equals() str2 >> true
str equals() str5 >> true
str2 equals() str4 >> true
str2 equals() str5 >> true
Comparison using == operator ..........
str == str2 >> false
str == str3 >> true
str2 == str4 >> false
str2 == str5 >> true
str4 == str5 >> false
- String methods whose return type is String, always returns a new string, the original string still remains same in string pool.
- String.valueOf() method can be used to convert any primitive data type value as string eg. String.valueOf(10), String.valueOf(20.5) etc.
- Integer values represented as string can be converted to integer using Integer.parseInt() method, eg. Integer.parseInt("10").
- Ensure that your string variable is not null while calling a string method, otherwise your program will throw NullPointerExcetpion at runtime.